Angelic Reiki Distant Treatment

Item 2 of 4
€ 99,00 (including VAT)

Angelic Reiki is a wonderful healing form, brought to Earth by Archangel Metatron thorugh Kevin Core. Archangel Metatron calls it “the healing for this time”. As an Angelic Reiki Practitioner and Teacher and member of the Angelic Reiki Associoation it is a great joy to share Angelic Reiki with those on a healing and spiritual path. 

Distance healing is possible wherever you live in the world. Distance makes no difference, because whether you’re receive a hand-on treatment or remote Angelic Reiki, both work equally well.

The distance healing that I send is a healing on a spiritual basis. This is safe and can influence both body, mind, emotions and spiritual being.

A remote treatment with Angelic Reiki brings you in touch with the energy of the angelic realms and helps you align with your Higher Self. This allows the purest angelic energy to come through. The angels know what is best for you on your current soul path, be the healing physical, emotional, mental or spiritual in nature. Angelic Reiki brings balance and wellbeing.

And if you’re attracted to Angelic Reiki, this means that on some level you are ready for change. Angelic Reiki can help you to let go of imbalance, whether it comes from a current or past life. Ultimately the aim is to help you have a happier life.

What happens during healing with remote Angelic Reiki

Each treatment is unique. You can have different experiences while receiving the distance healing. Most people experience a sense of calm, relaxation and positivity.

The distance healing works as follows:

  • You send me your full name,  date of birth and a photo ( Treatments are usually done on Monday or Friday afternoons, so please let me know which time would suit you. 
  • You email me about your circumstances and in what sense you need healing in your life. What is your reason for seeking a treatment? This information is of course treated with confidentiality.
  • We then set time and date on which you have an hour available dedicated to the healing experience. I recommend you use this time for quiet relaxation in a quiet environment where you feel at ease. Before the treatment we can have a 10 minute call. You can either call me over landline or Skype. 
  • After we hang up I start the treatment. You can either lie down or sit, if you prefer. At the appointed time, I treat you remotely. You can experience anything during treatment, such as cold or heat, a pulsating feeling or tickling. Some people see colors. Others are aware of emotions. Still others receive insights or actual guidance from the angels. Every person experiences it differently and each individual treatment of the same person is unique. If you do not experience much, this does not mean that the healing was less effective.
  • After the healing, you can write down for yourself what you have experienced and what your impressions were. I will do the same.
  • Make sure you drink plenty of water after the treatment.
  • About half an hour after the beginning of the healing, you call me and discuss what you have experienced and I will share any feedback I have with you as well. Should you prefer, pre-talk and feedback can be done through email as well if that is easier.
  • The healing will be integrated in in the subsequent 3 to 4 weeks and during this time you can mail when you need support.
  • Payment is always in advance.
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