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  • Atlantis Reading
    Atlantis Reading

    ATLANTIS READINGMore and more people feel a connection with the energy of Atlantis. Espeically the energy of Golden Atlantis is now awakening in those who have lived during Atlantean times. When you feel Atlantis resonate within…

    € 99,00
  • Dragon Reading
    Dragon Reading

    Draken zijn bekend uit oude legenden en staan daarin niet altijd goed te boek. Toch zijn deze gidsen nu meer en meer bij bewuste mensen om hen te helpen op hun pad. Ze brengen licht naar de aarde en wanneer je met ze werkt, krijg…

    € 77,00
  • Angel Birthday Reading
    Angel Birthday Reading

    Would you like to give yourself or a loved one a special birthday present? The Angel birthday Reading is just that!As a Certified Angel Card Reader trained by Doreen Virtue and Raleigh Valentine I love doing this reading for you.…

    € 111,00
  • Angel Tarot Reading
    Angel Tarot Reading

    In a reading with the Angel Tarot you will receive guidance on your life journey. As a Certified Angel Card Reader trained by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine it is my joy to do readings for clients.

    I do these readings…

    € 99,00
  • Fairy Reading
    Fairy Reading

    Fairies are Natures Angels. They connect you to nature and they are the protectors of nature, animals and the environment. As such they love to help those who help the environment and animals. Fairies can help when you want to…

    € 77,00
  • Intuitive angel drawing
    Intuitive angel drawing

    You can now order a customized angel drawing just for you.

    An intuitive angel drawing helps you connect more deeply to your angel. When I sit down to create an angel drawing for you, I ask my Higher Self to connect to yours and…

    € 77,00
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